PC 104 I/O card Rugged Triple Gigabit Ethernet card | TRIGET

PC 104 I/O card Rugged Triple Gigabit Ethernet card | TRIGET

PC 104 I/O card Rugged Triple Gigabit Ethernet card | TRIGET


The TRIGET family of highly-integrated, flexible and reliable PC/104-PLUS compliant Ethernet modules are ideal for use with industrial applications. One single PC/104-PLUS module permits a system to expand and integrate a total of three gigabit Ethernet controllers, and using a PCI to PCI bridge ensures that the TRIGET requires a single slot on a PC/104-plus stack. As a result, the stack can then be expanded with a further three PC/104-Plus cards.

Buyers can choose from a range of interfaces different mechanical versions, permitting the correct connection to various system requirements. Buyers can also choose between the RJ45 or the 2mm lockable heads in addition to two mechanical sizes. This unit is compatible with 5V and 3.3V PCI host boards, and can support up to 66MHz PCI operations.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Bus standard
PC 104

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